IESCO for adopting precautionary measures in rainy spell
ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) on Monday asked the general public to adopt precautionary to rainy spells as a little carelessness or negligence can lead to a fatal accident.
The general public was advised to follow precautionary measures for the sake of saving life and important belongings, told IESCO spokesperson here.
He said to keep a reasonable distance from electric poles, transformers and meters. Do not touch naked wire and get repaired defective wiring, use three pin plug along with proper earthing while using an iron, washing machine, refrigerator etc, put wooden pieces, flapper or ‘dari’ under your feet and also use rubber sole shoes, he further said.
Use rope while drying clothes instead of electrical wires and do not use a water pipe for it. Instruct children to avoid going near electricity installations while playing.
Do not keep hold of the rope of cattle with poles or stay wire and remain at least a hundred feet away from high tension wires.
It further advised that electrocuted person must be separated from the wire with a piece of wooden or dry cloth. Do not allow any person or animal to go near the broken electricity wires till the arrival of concerned IESCO staff.
IESCO for adopting precautionary measures in rainy spell
In case of any emergency, the consumers should contact the concerned areas’ Complaint Office, SDOs or XENs.
The consumers could register their complaints at helpline 118 or complaint office numbers 0519252933 and 0519252934 in case of any emergency.