ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has published the preliminary delimitation of constituencies for information of the general public. According to an ECP notification, the publication of delimitation of constituencies will continue till June 30.
The ECP will dispose of the representation filed by voters after listening to the relevant parties from July 1 to July 30.
According to the Election Rules 2017— (12) – (1), a voter in a constituency may, within a period of 30 days from the publication of the preliminary proposals, make a representation to the Commission in respect of the delimitation of constituencies of the district or the agency, as the case may be, wherein his vote is registered.
(2) A representation shall be in the form of a memorandum giving therein the grounds for such representation and the details of how the constituencies of an Assembly in the district or agency may be delimited if representation is accepted by the Commission.
(3) The representation shall be signed by the person making it and be presented either in person or by an agent duly authorized in writing.
(4) A representation referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be filed with the Secretary to the Commission and shall be accompanied by eight copies thereof along with duly marked equal number of relevant maps to be obtained from the Commission, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics or, the revenue department, as the case may be, on the scale approved by the Commission indicating therein all existing administrative and revenue units in the district or the agency:
Provided that a person making representation may obtain copies of maps against payment of a fee of one thousand rupees per map from the Commission or an officer authorized by it.
The delimitation of constituencies can be reviewed on and the voter of a relevant constituency can file representation to the ECP secretary till June 30.