Pakistan is going to mark World Earth Day on Friday to highlight the importance of nature conservation and investment in ecological uplift and development for betterment of man kind with a renewed pledge.
The Earth Day has been celebrated worldwide on the 22nd of April every year which was introduced for the education and awareness of the masses on environment and its protection. Earth Day was founded in 1970 by an American Senator Gaylord Nelson who for the first time raised awareness among the general public on damages incurred on environment to industrial development.
The theme for this years’ World Earth Day is “Invest In Our Planet”.
The major aim of the Earth Day movement is to esteem the planet earth for its pristine nature and environment and also to advocate ecological conservation and protection.
On this day, the civil society is encouraged to respect and protect the environment and keep it clean and safe from detrimental impacts of human activities. Many symposiums, awareness walks, webinars, painting competitions and activities are being held to discuss key environmental issues like air pollution, industrial damage, habitat loss, global warming and others. The volunteers would also arrange clean up activity at Trail-2 of the Margalla Hills National Park at 4:30pm.