Traffic regulation and congestion in the city of Lahore has risen to a chaotic level. There are miscellaneous reasons that contribute towards causing traffic jams and disruptions. The only rule that is rigorously being followed by the public is of following no rule, at all.
The colossal increase in the number of motor vehicles has tremendously added up to the existing issue of disorderly traffic flow. Even with a consistent rise in fuel prices, the traffic witnesses no relief. In recent past, the main arteries like Canal Road, Mall Road, Jail Road, Ferozepur Road & Ravi Road were considered wide enough to bear a fluent traffic movement even at peak rush hours. However, this opinion has now become outdated.
Traffic is unruly due to drivers driving in their own peculiar fashion, parking their vehicles at congested roadsides and people considering themselves qualified enough to devise a way out for themselves, inconsiderate of how it could worsen the situation for the rest. The recent climb in the financing programs initiated by banks to grant vehicles has drastically increased the load on roads. A huge sum of drivers do not have a driving license that has made bribing the standard operating procedure. Moreover, people entering the metropolis city of Lahore in search of employment and work has multiplied the amount of vehicles. Unfortunately, the Government of Punjab’s focus is on widening the roads, minimizing the green belts and increasing the number of traffic wardens in the city. However, the solution lays in implementing modern and automated traffic management systems that have the potential to resolve these chaotic logjams. Furthermore, the amount of vehicles is to be controlled.
The Government must set quality controls to devise a solution before the situation gets out of hand. The current scenario is not only generating public frustration and impatience, but has also become an economic hurdle.
Published in Daily Times, December 25th 2018.