ISLAMABAD: The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) on Tuesday has awarded the Best Teacher award for the year 2015 to Professor Dr Nabi BuxJumani of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI).
The HEC also awarded a cash prize of Rs 100,000 to Dr Jumani, who is a Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences at IIUI said a press release.
Dr Jumani has a diverse range of experience in fields such as administration, research and teaching. He was the head of an educational institution under the Defence Ministry as well as worked as drawing and disbursement officer (DDO) in the ministry.
He also had the privilege of working as the Director Institute of Professional Development, IIUI and Director of Directorate of Distance Education, IIUI.
His areas of interest have been in education, curriculumdevelopment, distance education and research and development.
In addition to Masters and PhD degrees in education he holdsa post graduate diploma in public administration.
For his post doctorate degree, DrJumani underwent training atthe Deakin University Australia, for modern distance education technology. He also underwent training at Jilin University in China and received acertificate of educational leadership from Nottingham University in the UK.