SWABI: President Mamnoon Hussain on Thursday said that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would usher a new era of industrial and technological revolution, prosperity and development in Pakistan, and that the youth should be equipped with skills to fully utilise these opportunities.
Addressing students of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI) of Science and Technology, he said the country had witnessed several challenges and difficulties during the last few decades but now the situation had improved and Pakistan was about to emerge as a strong economy.
GIKI Rector Jahangir Bashir, Executive Director Shakil Durrani, Board of Governors President Engineer Shamsul Mulk, teachers and students were present on the occasion.
The president said since Pakistan’s economy was making headway, countries in the central Asian region had also expressed their desire to take advantage of this project.
He said the industrial and technological revolution would create several opportunities in the country and it was time to introduce and equip the youth with new skills so they can utilise these opportunities.
The president stressed on comprehensive planning for promotion of professional and technical education to meet the demands that would emerge in the near future, adding that educational institutes had a great responsibility in this regard.
Mamnoon hoped that GIKI would play its part in the promotion of technical education besides providing guidance on how to tackle the new advancements in the technological sector.