Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid said on Wednesday the Punjab government was taking all measures to contain coronavirus and in this connection, 70 million out of 110 million people of Punjab would be vaccinated by the end of this year.
Talking to the media after chairing a syndicate meeting of Faisalabad Medical University (FMU), she said the Punjab government was undertaking most vigorous vaccination campaign and 43 million individuals had so far been vaccinated while the campaign was still going on steadily. She said that though corona was a serious problem, yet dengue cases were on rise in various cities due to climate change and ample rains this year.
She said that 736 cases of dengue had so far been reported in Punjab including 623 only in Lahore. She said that in Faisalabad, 6 cases were reported but people should had to be very careful in this regard.
Dr Yasmin said that as a result of strenuous efforts of the government, the number of corona patients had come down significantly. Fourth wave of corona (delta variant) was very dangerous and its 3,000 cases were being reported daily in Punjab but now the figure had come down to 1,031 cases daily while 21 corona patients have died in Punjab during last 24 hours. She said that 85 per cent corona affected people were unvaccinated while 15% victims were vaccinated but their disease-severity was less as compared to unvaccinated patients, so it was very important for all people to get them vaccinated as early as possible.