Swat traders here on Saturday opposed the government’s decision of observing Sunday lockdown in wake of the third wave of COVID-19 spread in the province. According to Swat traders federation President, Abdur Rahim, it had been a cruel decision by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), forcing the traders to observe a three-day business shut down in a week which aimed at stopping the virus from spreading,” the KP government has implemented a three-day lockdown in a week on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with immediate effect,” Abdur Rahim said, adding that the business had reservations and they were not going to comply with the government’s decision of the three-day lockdown in a week. Abdur Rahim reminded the district administration that the Friday is the weakened all across the province and the traders could only consider a two-day lockdown taking its effect on Friday and Saturday. “the traders’ community are still feeling the burns and bruises economically of the previous lockdown and this decision of three-day lockdown in a week will further push them into a whirlpool of economic crises,” Abdur Rahim said. He added that it was an embarrassing act by the district administration as it used force to stop businessmen from opening their shops. He demanded the KP government to officially declare lockdown only on Friday and Saturday and let the businessmen free to do their business activities on Sunday.
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