President Dr Arif Alvi Tuesday said from statistics, it appeared that the people in Pakistan could manage to overcome the Covid pandemic by following standard operating procedures (SOPs) to contain its further spread. The president, in a series of tweets, said the SOPs included wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing. “Stats (statistics) are that we have not overcome Covid yet, and are on the edge, but it seems we can manage it. Therefore continue to follow SOPs (Masking, Social Distancing, Hand Washing). And friends we must stop living with a defeatist attitude. We HAVE done well. Pakistan is on the mend,” he posted on his twitter handle. The president, in a related tweet, said he watched the Covid statistics of Pakistan very closely and what was happening in the region. He also enumerated the steps which helped Pakistan to manage the pandemic. “Your efforts will pay dividends. Seven take home points: 1- High reputation of Pakistan’s efficiency of management. 2- Not allowing ‘Rozgar’ to collapse. 3- Educating the role of Ulema & Media. 4- We kept our mosques open and continued to pray to Allah. 5- “Significant national & provincial cooperation. 6- Our Ehsaas initiative came out as a huge social support cushion. 7- Outstanding discipline shown by you (all people never follow, but enough-to-matter did),” he further elaborated his point of view.
متعلقہ مضامین
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