NAWABSHAH: Shaheed Benazirabad Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Nouman Siddique said that the government was striving hard to eradicate polio virus from the society but in order to achieve this objective, collective efforts were required.
He said this on Tuesday while presiding over a meeting to review the arrangements for an upcoming three-day anti polio campaign – to begin on December 19.
The Deputy Commissioner said that it was our collective responsibility to achieve the set target of vaccination in the district so that all children – up to five years of age – could be vaccinated during the campaign.
All assistant commissioners and other responsible officers were directed to take action against those who were resist the vaccination process, adding that in case of failure, action would be taken against concerned officials.
The health department officials informed the meeting that all required measures were being taken to immunise 323000 children in the district and a total of 781 polio teams had been established so far.
The meeting was informed that 56 medical officers in all union councils, 657 mobile teams and 165 area In-charges have been deputed to cover every corner of the district.